On to the house:
Its been an interesting week. Things are coming together, slowly but surely. But there has been a lot of hiccups lately. First, my gorgeous lights! Who knew that you can buy lights that are not CSA approved. Now, these lights I didn't buy from stores in Canada, but from my wholesalers is the US. However, the same lights are being sold in stores here in Canada. I visited one of those stores lately and asked the owner if all her lights are CSA approved. Well apparently not. This usually isn't a problem in a renovation where you are not dealing with electrical permits. But for new construction you may not get your electrician to hang something that is not CSA approved. Which is a problem for me. My dear husband who loves me very much spent 6 hours and $800 getting these lights CSA approved. I have learnt my lesson. Speaking of learning lessons, I can't believe how much I have learned during this process. I has been so valuable for me as a designer. My lights are being installed, and they are stunning. Possibly worth every penny. The Robert Abbey lighting is all CSA approved, and definitely worth every penny. Check it out.
It was also the week of missing packages. First I ordered hooks for the mud room cabinet. They didn't come. When I inquired as to their whereabouts, they were apparently already picked up! Somebody now has my nice hooks. Anyway they were re-ordered, and I am still waiting. Then there was the extra chain for the light in the living room. It was couriered to my warehouse. FedEx said it was delivered and signed for, but the warehouse didn't have it, and the person who signed for it didn't work there! UGH! Fed Ex finally did find it, and I have it safe and sound. I am not done yet.... My microwave and wall oven went missing. Sears couldn't find what happened to it. It wasn't even on my order! My sales lady Kris came to the rescue and they are being delivered on Tuesday. I could go on with problems we have faced this week, but I will stop there.
As a designer and retailer of furniture and lighting, I am constantly putting out fires. Also this week, I had a buffet delivered to a client in the wrong colour. The supplier took full responsibility, but reordering would take another 4 weeks. Also a beautiful sofa and love seat were delivered to a client. The fabric is full of flaws, and the die lot is completely different than on the swatch we chose from. This problem has yet to be resolved! I had another client who I helped with selecting their appliances. The first cook top came smashed, weeks later another one came which was lovely until their first big party and the glass on it broke. Third time lucky? Not so much - it came in the wrong finish. We rely on so many different people to do their jobs well, which doesn't always happen.
On to happier things.... enjoy the latest pictures of our big project:
Just a side note: The yellow around the window on the second floor is not suppose to be yellow! It is just the colour of the board they used. It will be painted the trim colour.
Eston admiring his new hockey light!
The kids enjoying the softness of their new carpet. It is cushy!
I was tossing the idea around of braces in the gables. Trent, our handy... um ... not sure what he is called, but he is responsible for the shingles, siding and gorgeous window trim (his idea). Anyway, Trent banged these up for me and I love them.
My lovely new stairs. Will be even more gorgeous with the glass railing!
These are my gorgeous $2500 Restoration Hardware lights on my deck.... NOT! I bought them at Homesense for $150! YAY!
Well, that is all folks. Next time I post we will be living there. So fun to share this experience with all of you!