Sunday, July 18, 2010


16 Jul 2010_5280

I used to be a big "do it yourselfer", but as I've added kids to my family I've found I just don't have the time.  However in recent weeks I've been trying to finish off the cottage at Keats, and if I didn't step up and do some things myself, it just wasn't going to get done.  (Stay tuned for more on the cottage at Keats!)  How hard could staining a bench be?  I can tell you its not as easy as you might think!  Stain is a tricky thing!  But I've always enjoyed "easy" re-upholstery.  Recovering the seats of a chair or a simple stool like the one pictured above is a snap.  I found a patchwork fabric on sale and simply stapled it onto the stool.  It took about a half hour!  Now the ideal seat for playing cards around the coffee table is perfect for the cottage by the sea.


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